Use our learning materials to teach your kids to read, write and create. Our materials follow along with popular, widely used phonics programs such as Jolly Phonics


The materials we create follow along with the same (or very similar) order as popular phonics programs such as Jolly Phonics. This is a tried and tested order, and the programs are already excellent. Our materials are to supplement their teachings.

You may sometimes find the groups are slightly different and you might get a sound earlier or later than the program you are following. If this is the case, it is highly beneficial to the students to use our materials the week you have introduced all of the sounds. That way they are getting to review and also mix in some new sounds.

NEVER give them materials with sounds that you are yet to cover.

Group 1 - s, a, t, i, p, n

123 BME

This is the basics of using the reading finger and should be reinforced continuously.

Mini Books

Who needs a text-book when you have a mini book. Get crafty, trace the new sounds then colour it in.

Sound Pizza

Cutting, sticking, colouring and learning. this activity covers sounds, shapes, creativity AND pizza!

Word Wheels

These wheels let your diddy ones create and read. Remember, not every word you can read makes a real word.

Sound Snip

A great way to wrap up a unit. Have the students cut out the sounds and make words.

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